


Lori's Genealogy Page


I took on genealogy as a hobby a little over ten years ago.  I started with my father's family, wanting to know more about his ancestors, then progressed to my mother's family, relatives' families, and friends' families.  I find it an extremely rewarding hobby.  This website shows information I have found while researching the Linamen, Farringer, Trudgeon, Huffman, Holmlund and collateral family lines.

Charles (Carl) L. Lineman was born in Germany in 1796. He married Dora (Madora) Hartman (born in 1810). They came to the United States and settled in Clarion County, Pennsylvania. Charles was my 3great grandfather.  His son, Charles Augustus, married Suzanne Swartsfager. 


Hans Theobald Ferringer was born in Germany.  He came with his family to the United States in 1750 and settled in Pennsylvania, probably in the Northampton area.  Hans' grandson, George moved from Northampton to Schuylkill County.  George's son, Joseph, and his son, John, moved from Schuylkill to Armstrong County (now Venango County), Pennsylvania in 1832.

Anthony Trudgyan was born in St. Mewan in Cornwall, England, in the late 1600's and died in 1737. Anthony was my 8Great Grandfather. He married Elizabeth Lawry.  His descendant, Joseph  Trudgeon, my great great grandfather, immigrated to this country in the late 1800's and settled in Charlevoix County and later moved to Gogebic County, Michigan.
Jeremiah Huffman was born in Kentucky in 1828. Jeremiah was my great great grandfather.  His parents were born in Virginia and  Tennessee.  I believe that his grandparents or great grandparents came from Prussia sometime in the 1700's. Prior to coming to America, the family name might have been Von Hoffman. Nancy Pollard Tate was born in 1837 in Adair County, Missouri.  She married Jeremiah Huffman in 1853 in Macon County, Missouri.  I am trying to find out Jeremiah's parents' names and where they lived/died in Kentucky.

Johan Vilhem Holmlund, was born November 12, 1869 in Finland and died between 1917 - 1919 in Buffalo, New York.  He and his brother, Anton, immigrated to the United States in 1892.  He was the son of Gustaf Holmlund and Maria Sofia Esaiasdotter.  Johan was Steve Holmlund's (my husband) grandfather.  The progenitor of this line, Johan Johansson Wittberg, was born in Sweden in 1716. 

When viewing any of the information on my reports, please note that they probably contain errors.  Much of the information has been obtained from the internet and has not been independently verified to source documents.  Please contact me regarding any errors that you find.  My email address is lholmlund@coastside.net  

For information on the following families, click to navigate to the appropriate page: